Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Germany To America

My name is Karl Germanotta. I lived in Germany before i came to the United States. This is my story of the hardships and life altering decisions i had to make in order to achieve a new life in America.

I love Germany. I love the air, the mountains, the rivers, the valleys, the cities, and the people. Germany is my home and i will love it forever. The only thing i don't love are my chances in fulfilling my dreams. My decision to leave Germany was based on three major factors. Germany's taxes have started to increase over the years, and due to an increase in the German population made it impossible to buy land. The last factor was my family. My entire family was in Germany. Moving to America meant i had to leave them for i don't know how long. I remember my conversation with my father the night before the ship to America left.
"Dad, you know I love Germany but its just to expensive to live here. I still dint have a job and i probably will not find one anytime soon," i said.
"You need to go to America. Find a job, and start your new life. I want you to be happy and successful. Success cannot be found right now in Germany," my dad told me.
"But I don't want to leave you and mom behind," I replied to him.
"Forget about us, we will be fine. I'm living my dream right now and I want you to live your dream," my dad said.
"You know what dad, I think I will. I'm going to America!" i said with a passion.
I was so excited that night. It felt like I was at the top of a roller coaster, waiting, looking down at the track as it dropped to the ground. I was waiting for the near future. Waiting for what would happen. That night I couldn't sleep at all. I kept tossing and turning, thinking about all the different versions of the way my life could turn out.
That morning, I said bye to my parents and was on my way to the dock in Northern Germany. It was the most exciting day of my life. I saw the ship and then saw the complete chaos. People were crowding around waiting for the ship to allow people on board. I couldn't recognize one person. I waited an hour for the door to open. People flooded the boat like a cup a submarine with a hole in it. The boat trip was terrible i had no room to move. I don't want to talk about it. Finally I made it to New York City. The Statue of Liberty was the tallest steel structure i had ever seen.
I walked the streets of this beautiful city and thought that my dream is starting to come true. I walked the street and I heard the wonderful music of a musician. She was amazing. She had blonde hair and wore clothes that women would never wear in public. I thought to myself how someone like this could be so beautiful and talented and not be famous. As she grabbed her hat full of donations, I quickly threw in a dollar. She looked into my eyes and I could tell it was love at first sight. She introduced her self. Her name was Stefani. After a month of dating, I asked her to marry me. She happily excitedly accepted.
I wanted to make her name know, Stefani Germanotta. Her voice and talent was amazing. She started writing songs and I, working at a radio station in New York, would submit the songs to be played on air. One day, my boss loved the lyrics of one song she wrote called "Beautiful Dirty Rich". She came in one day, recorded the song, and it was aired to the City. The song was a major hit. Everyone heard of the song and knew who she was. I made her dream come true and she made my dream come true. We then lived the rich and famous life in America. My parents were so proud of me. I truly lived the American dream. And to think that if I didn't immigrate to the United States I would probably be unemployed and unhappy.

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